Our CSR policy


Our CSR policy

Driven by our historic value “build to last” and already mobilized on several CSR commitments, the CONDAT group reaffirms its desire to include the group in a sustainable development approach. The current climate and environmental crises require us to go beyond the mere increment of our previous CSR policies: the targets to be achieved involve transforming our processes, our structures, our habits to drive a transition compatible with planetary limits.

This leads us to a goal of decarbonization of all our sites, including resource efficiency. Serving the technical and environmental performance of our customers, our product offering must
present a greater share of eco-designed solutions with low material consumption.

Always focused on creating sustainable value, we deploy a culture of co-development with our stakeholders and partners (customers, suppliers, territorial stakeholders) to go beyond our respective
roles in favor of a common objective that respects the environment and society.

It is no longer enough just to reduce our environmental footprint to maintain natural ecosystems, the objective is now to help with their reconstruction, by promoting the restoration and revitalization of biodiversity through various internal and external levers.

Presumably many actions undertaken now will not have visible effects for several years, then we must make our social cohesion the first cog of our project, the strong element of our model, to progress. Faced with the complexity of change and the need to act quickly, cooperation and alignment with our values (a strong CONDAT identity) will bring coherence to our actions which will amplify results beyond the simple addition of efforts.

Our CSR policy gives meaning to our past and future commitment, as well as visibility to our sustainable development practices. It guides all our strategic decisions, but also our operational
practices, and fits perfectly into our multi-annual ACTIV 26 corporate project to make this approach to progress sustainable and shared at all levels of the company, but also beyond.


Our 6 CSR commitments

Reduce the carbon footprint of our sites by ensuring an energy transition.
Reduce the consumption of all our resources to the incompressible threshold during the operation of our sites.
Develop products with a low environmental footprint and/or low resource consumption. And at the same time, allow our customers to reduce the quantity of lubricant used in their process while maintaining product performance by offering another application approach.
Promote the preservation and restoration of biodiversity through the support of associations, through the re-vegetation of our sites and through collaboration with suppliers committed to the regeneration of living things.
Conduct collaborative approaches in our value chain or in our territory with positive social or environmental impacts.
Develop human potential while respecting human rights with secure and fulfilling working conditions in the service of performance and the collective.