Group III quenching oils - THERMA

Group III quenching oils
A complete line of Group III hydrocracked mineral quenching oils for a responsible performance.
Application fields


To reduce your environmental impact and increase the protection of your operators, CONDAT has been offering for several years quenching solutions formulated with group III hydrocracked base oils. The process of obtaining these grades is sophisticated and multi-stage: hydrocracking, iso dewaxing, and hydrofinishing. Complementary to THERMA's world-renowned range of neat oils, these oils provide reliable and durable solutions for all installations, whether batch, continuous or vacuum furnaces. They have already been adopted by many heat treatment specialists as well as by manufacturers of safety parts integrating heat treatment workshops because they combine efficiency and safety.

Through its continuous improvement policy, CONDAT permanently works on the improvement of its formulations. With these hardening solutions formulated in group III oil, CONDAT offers the possibility to the industry to increase their performances and their productivity while reducing their consumption, and this, with products that are more respectful of the environment and the users.

These oils are available in different levels of additivation and different cooling rates. Cold and semi-hot oils.

Product benefits

Plant safety

  • High flash point reduces the risk of fire

User safety

  • Reduced sulphur and aromatic compound (PAH) content
  • Reduce smoke and odor
  • Less eyes and skin irritation

Economy and efficiency

  • Long bath life due to excellent resistance to oxydation and thermal cracking
  • Reduce sludge formation and therefore limit filtration
  • Low vapor pressure allowing their use in low pressure equipment
  • Improve hardness and structure homogeneity thanks to a reduced vapor phase of the quenching fluid

Product range

Group III quenching oils

Cold oils - Open tank - Continuous and batch furnace

Designation V40 (mm²/s) Operating temperatures (°c) Example of hardened parts
Therma 35 23 40-90°C Springs, Bearings, Fasteners, Forging parts
Therma 45 25 60-120°C Fasteners, Tools, Pinions, Crowns
Therma 115 22 30-90°C Bearing elements, Valves

Semi-hot oil - Batch furnace

Designation V40 (mm²/s) Operating temperatures (°c) Example of hardened parts
Therma 105 37 60-130°C Gears, Bearings, Auto parts, Pinion shafts

Vacuum furnace oils

Designation V40 (mm²/s) Temperature of use (°c) Example of hardened parts
Therma V 175 37 60-130°C Gears, Bearings, Auto parts, Pinions
Therma V 155 27 60-120°C Bearings, Tools, Fasteners

Associated services

CONDAT offers equipment suitable for facilitating implementation of our lubricants, along with analysis services.